Congratulations and Thank You!...
Important Note! Your statement will show either "STRIPE" or "ACHIEVABLEBODY" for this purchase and NOT "Rise and Hustle". You'll also get a receipt sent to your inbox from "Achievable Body".
Your instructions for the digital bonuses and coaching are below.
If you ever have any questions, please let us know at and we'll be glad to assist you.
Digital Bonuses Instructions
Print and give or email the following document to your clients/family members/friends with their copy of the book.
Inside this document are the links to their digital bonuses.
That's it! (Easy, right?)
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Select “Save Link As” when you left click on the button above save the file to your computer
Select “Download Linked File As” when you left click on the button above save the file to your computer
Internet Explorer
Select “Save Target As” when you left click on the button above save the file to your computer